Cleaning laitance and cement veil


Cleaning laitance and cement veil

SCALP SOL'NET is a professional-quality laitance and cement film remover that excels in removing impurities and traces of cement. This cleaner gives your concrete floors an impeccable appearance. This versatile product not only cleans the surface, it also effectively degreases it, enabling optimum preparation prior to painting or any other renovation process. By removing laitance, cement films and other construction residues, SCALP SOL'NET ensures a clean result.

Painting or renovating your concrete floors has never been easier. This laitance and cement film cleaner makes this crucial step much easier by preparing the surface in optimum conditions.


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Stone facade cleaner

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Powerful cleaner for calcareous surfaces

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Brick facade cleaner

SCALPNET AQUA 37 is a thixotropic gel cleaner for brick facades. It removes black atmospheric soiling from all mineral or silica-laden surfaces. This facade cleaner is ideal for brick facades. SCALPNET AQUA 37 is particularly recommended for cleaning fragile materials such as brick, concrete, porcelain, stoneware and glass paste. This brick facade cleaner is ideal for wash-down jobs where environmental constraints are important. Environmentally-friendly, SCALPNET AQUA 37 is perfect for cleaning brick facades in high-traffic areas.



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