More than just a trend...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our mission at SCALP. More than a trend, it's a deep conviction that guides our daily actions and decisions. Our CSR priorities include social cohesion, combating climate change, preserving natural resources and biodiversity, and improving the quality of life. To meet these challenges, we promote a culture centered on people, and value respect, boldness, sharing and innovation. At SCALP, we integrate these principles into all our activities, from product formulation to distribution, to contribute to a sustainable future.


CSR commitments

Sustainable development challenges

Offering our customers and users solutions tailored to the challenges of sustainable development

Offering our customers and users solutions tailored to the challenges of sustainable development

In an ever-changing world, marked by growing environmental concerns and ever-changing societal expectations, our commitment to sustainable development has never been more crucial. We firmly believe that companies have a major role to play in the transition to a more responsible future. That's why we strive to offer innovative solutions aligned with the principles of sustainable development.

Low-carbon strategy

Deploy a low-carbon and biodiversity strategy to help protect the environment.

The climate emergency and the loss of biodiversity are critical environmental and social issues. To meet these challenges, SCALP has launched an in-depth strategic review. This initiative has led to the development of an ambitious roadmap, focused on reducing carbon emissions and protecting biodiversity. Thanks to this strategy, SCALP is actively engaged in the fight against climate change and the preservation of our natural ecosystem.

Deploy a low-carbon and biodiversity strategy to help protect the environment.

L’urgence climatique et la perte de biodiversité sont des enjeux environnementaux et sociétaux critiques. Pour relever ces défis, SCALP a lancé une réflexion stratégique approfondie. Cette initiative a conduit à l’élaboration d’une feuille de route ambitieuse, axée sur la réduction des émissions de carbone et la protection de la biodiversité. Grâce à cette stratégie, SCALP s’engage activement dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et la préservation de notre écosystème naturel.

Environmental impact

Reducing the environmental impact of our business

Réduire les impacts environnemantaux de notre activité

SCALP is committed to minimizing the impact of its research, manufacturing and marketing activities. This commitment is reflected in a series of initiatives and strategies aimed at reducing our ecological footprint while optimizing our industrial processes.

Respect for diversity

Attracting, developing and retaining talent while respecting diversity

One of SCALP's main corporate social responsibility challenges is to attract and recruit tomorrow's talent. To achieve this, SCALP offers working conditions that guarantee the health, safety and well-being of its employees. The company is also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, while fostering skills development and career advancement for all employees.

Attracting, developing and retaining talent while respecting diversity

Un des principaux défis de la responsabilité sociétale de SCALP est d’attirer et de recruter les talents de demain. Pour y parvenir, SCALP propose des conditions de travail garantissant la santé, la sécurité et le bien-être de ses employés. L’entreprise s’engage également à promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion, tout en favorisant le développement des compétences et l’évolution de carrière de chaque collaborateur.

Health culture for all

Consolidating a culture of health for all

Consolidating a culture of health for all

Health and safety are key priorities for SCALP, as they directly affect the lives of our employees. By reducing health and accident risks in the workplace, we aim to protect everyone who interacts with our activities.

Our ambition is to establish a global health and safety culture across all our operations. This involves setting rigorous standards, continually training our teams in best safety practices, and adopting innovative technologies to prevent accidents and promote safe, healthy working environments.

By consolidating this culture within SCALP, we aim not only to comply with the most stringent regulatory standards, but also to inspire trust and respect among our stakeholders, while actively contributing to the sustainability and social responsibility of our company.

Culture of ethics and compliance

Reinforcing an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance

At SCALP, reinforcing an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance is essential. We have in place robust ethical policies and clear codes of conduct to guide our employees. Regular training and awareness programs are offered to educate our staff about ethical risks. We use strict control mechanisms to ensure compliance with these standards. Transparency is at the heart of our approach, with open and honest communication with all stakeholders. By integrating these practices into all our operations, we aspire to create an environment where ethics and compliance are deeply rooted, building a sustainable and responsible future.

Reinforcing an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance

At SCALP, reinforcing an exemplary culture of ethics and compliance is essential. We have in place robust ethical policies and clear codes of conduct to guide our employees. Regular training and awareness programs are offered to educate our staff about ethical risks. We use strict control mechanisms to ensure compliance with these standards. Transparency is at the heart of our approach, with open and honest communication with all stakeholders. By integrating these practices into all our operations, we aspire to create an environment where ethics and compliance are deeply rooted, building a sustainable and responsible future.


years of experience
+ 0
of employees have been trained
0 %
Made In France products
0 %
resellers in France and abroad
+ 0

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