Range Shop

The nouveautés

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Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • EKO'R RangeWater-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Water repellent formulated from plant-derived and biosourced raw materials

    SCALPFUGE EKO'R, water repellent containing raw materials of vegetable and biosourced origin, effectively waterproofs and protects a wide variety of supports on walls, facades and roofs against water rising by capillarity.

    Sans COV et en base aqueuse, cet hydrofuge naturel est idéal pour les revêtements hydrauliques, pierres, briques, marbres, bétons, tuiles, ardoises, etc. Il empêche l’encrassement des supports et limite la formation de micro-organismes. Formulé à partir de matière première d’origine végétale et biosourcée, il ne change ni l’aspect, ni la porosité du support une fois appliqué.


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